Friday, April 24, 2015

TRakt plugin for VLC on Windows

One more reason to bid adieu to XBMC.

What a wonderful plugin from Raphaël Beamonte called TraktForVLC. Only setting it up is a tad bit of work.

Steps to get it working

1. Download the repo and extract it to a folder. I kept it in Dropbox for i don't want to do all the config again.

2. Follow the instruction given with the repo-

3. Make sure you update the name of two files as below

config.ini.default –> config.ini (in default folder)

config.bat.default –> config.bat (in windows_batch folder)

4. Also update config.bat file with all the paths. Use double quotes in batch files wherever path has spaces.

5. keep the shortcut of start.bat in startup folder.

6. If you want to check if the code is working check the log folder.

-Cheers !!

TRakt plugin for VLC on Windows

What a wonderful plugin from Raphaël Beamonte called TraktForVLC. Only setting it up is a tad bit of work.

Steps to get it working

1. Download the repo and extract it to a folder. I kept it in Dropbox for i don't want to do all the config again.

2. Follow the instruction given with the repo-

3. Make sure you update the name of two files as below

config.ini.default –> config.ini (in default folder)

config.bat.default –> config.bat (in windows_batch folder)

4. Also update config.bat file with all the paths. Use double quotes in batch files wherever path has spaces.

5. keep the shortcut of start.bat in startup folder.

6. If you want to check if the code is working check the log folder.