Sunday, October 14, 2012

Love for After Effects

Lately I have been working on After Effect (part of Adobe Creative Suite) and I am highly impressed with the quality of graphics we can design.
I was working on one of the project to create a online learning module and decided to create a motion graphic intro video for that. Soon I came across “TrapCode Plugin” and believe me its awesome. Once you install it the possibilities are limitless.

I designed intro which you can see below.

You can try with the free template (credit goes to Acrez). Below is the link for download.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Implementing GTD on Outlook–Part 3

How to add Macro Buttons on open email view.
In Implementing GTD on Outlook–Part 1 & 2 we have seen how we can create task from Macros. We have also seen how we can add these Macros as buttons on command bar of outlook. Now we will explore the options to add these buttons on open email view.
First open any email in outlook and click on drop down on quick access bar. See below image.

Now click on more commands and from “Choose command from” dropdown select Macros
Now select the Macros you have created from left pane to add to right pane. Once all the Macros are added then select each Macro one by one to Modify. This step is important because on quick access bar you will see only icons not the title. Now assign the icon to each Macro and save it. Now your Quick access bar will look like this-
Now whenever I open a unread email I can see these icons on top of the email. Let say a office task is to be created from this email. I just click the “man in coat” icon and a Office task is created for me with reminder , due date(3 days from current date – if any changes are there, it gets updated in my weekly review) and a copy of original message attached.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Implementing GTD on Outlook–Part 2

Create appointment directly from the email.
Code for same is given below
   1:  Option Explicit
   2:  Sub NewMeetingRequestFromEmail()
   3:      Dim app As New Outlook.Application
   4:      Dim item As Object
   5:      Set item = app.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
   7:      If item.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
   9:      Dim email As MailItem
  11:      Set email = item
  13:      Dim meetingRequest As AppointmentItem
  15:      Set meetingRequest = app.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
  17:      meetingRequest.Categories = email.Categories
  18:      meetingRequest.Body = email.Body
  19:      meetingRequest.Subject = email.Subject
  20:      meetingRequest.Attachments.Add email
  22:      Dim attachment As attachment
  23:      For Each attachment In email.Attachments
  24:          CopyAttachment attachment, meetingRequest.Attachments
  25:      Next attachment
  27:      Dim recipient As recipient
  29:      Set recipient = meetingRequest.Recipients.Add(email.SenderEmailAddress)
  30:      recipient.Resolve
  32:      For Each recipient In email.Recipients
  33:          RecipientToParticipant recipient, meetingRequest.Recipients
  34:      Next recipient
  36:      Dim inspector As inspector
  38:      Set inspector = meetingRequest.GetInspector
  40:      'inspector.CommandBars.FindControl
  41:      inspector.Display
  43:  End Sub
  45:  Private Sub RecipientToParticipant(recipient As recipient, participants As Recipients)
  46:      Dim participant As recipient
  48:      If LCase(recipient.Address) <> LCase(Session.CurrentUser.Address) Then
  49:          Set participant = participants.Add(recipient.Address)
  50:          Select Case recipient.Type
  51:          Case olBCC:
  52:              participant.Type = olOptional
  53:          Case olCC:
  54:              participant.Type = olOptional
  55:          Case olOriginator:
  56:              participant.Type = olRequired
  57:          Case olTo:
  58:              participant.Type = olRequired
  59:          End Select
  60:          participant.Resolve
  61:      End If
  63:  End Sub
  65:  Private Sub CopyAttachment(source As attachment, destination As Attachments)
  66:      On Error GoTo HandleError
  68:      Dim filename As String
  70:      filename = Environ("temp") & "\" & source.filename
  72:      source.SaveAsFile (filename)
  74:      destination.Add (filename)
  76:      Exit Sub
  78:  HandleError:
  79:      Debug.Print Err.Description
  80:  End Sub

The code will open a pop up with the content from the current email copied to its body. Also the original email copy is attached to it (for future reference)