Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Implementing GTD on Outlook–Part 1–UPDATE

Link to original post


I have updated to code to add below items --

1. Start date – date of receiving email

2. Due date – start date + 3

3. Reminder to turn on

4. Reminder date – Due date

   1:  Option Compare Text
   3:  Sub MakeWaitingForTaskWithAttachmentFromCurrentMessage(MyMail As Outlook.MailItem)
   4:      Dim strID As String
   5:      Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
   6:      Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
   7:      Dim objTask As Outlook.TaskItem
   8:      Dim categories As String
   9:      Dim addRecipient As Boolean
  10:      Dim regex
  11:      Dim matches, customSubject, subject
  13:      ' Configuration options
  14:      categories = "@WAITING FOR"
  15:      addRecipient = True
  17:      strID = MyMail.EntryID
  18:      Set olNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
  19:      Set olMail = olNS.GetItemFromID(strID)
  20:      Set objTask = Application.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
  21:      objTask.Attachments.Add MyMail
  22:      Set regex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
  23:      regex.Pattern = "/wf (.*)"
  24:      regex.IgnoreCase = True
  25:      regex.Global = True
  26:      Set matches = regex.Execute(olMail.Body)
  27:      If matches.Count <> 0 Then
  28:          customSubject = matches(0).submatches(0)
  29:      Else
  30:          customSubject = ""
  31:      End If
  32:      If customSubject <> "" Then
  33:          subject = customSubject
  34:      Else
  35:          subject = olMail.subject
  36:      End If
  38:      With objTask
  39:          If addRecipient Then
  40:              .subject = olMail.Recipients.item(1) & ": " & subject
  41:          Else
  42:              .subject = subject
  43:          End If
  44:          .categories = categories
  45:          .Body = olMail.Body
  46:          .StartDate = olMail.ReceivedTime
  47:          .DueDate = olMail.ReceivedTime + 3
  48:          .ReminderSet = True
  49:          .ReminderTime = olMail.ReceivedTime + 3
  51:      End With
  52:      objTask.Save
  54:      Set objTask = Nothing
  55:      Set olMail = Nothing
  56:      Set olNS = Nothing
  57:  End Sub
  59:  ' Wrapper that gets the current item and calls the previous function, to use as a macro
  60:  Sub MakeWaitingForTaskWithAttachmentFromCurrentMessageMacro()
  61:      Dim curMail As Outlook.MailItem
  62:      Set curMail = GetCurrentItem()
  63:      Call MakeWaitingForTaskWithAttachmentFromCurrentMessage(curMail)
  64:  End Sub
  68:  Function GetCurrentItem() As Object
  69:      Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
  71:      Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
  72:      On Error Resume Next
  73:      Select Case TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow)
  74:          Case "Explorer"
  75:              Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)
  76:          Case "Inspector"
  77:              Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
  78:          Case Else
  79:              ' anything else will result in an error, which is
  80:              ' why we have the error handler above
  81:      End Select
  83:      Set objApp = Nothing
  84:  End Function


This code is for waiting for category.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Implementing GTD on Outlook–Part 1

This post is updated. Click here to see updated code.


Last few weeks I have been reading and trying to implement GTD by David Allen in my every day activities. Since Microsoft Outlook is a inseparable part of my office life, first thing I did was to install GTD addin for outlook. And I can confirm that it works. At least for me who gets at least 100-120 emails daily.

But there is a drawback with the addin. It’s a free for 30 days. Now buying this software is out of my option list, yet I had to device a way to implement the functionality in my outlook.

My requirements are-


1. One click creation of task from email

2. Task should contain text from email

3. Task should also have the original email as attachment

4. When I want to differ the email for later date on one click the a calendar event is created with email text in calendar event body

5. File the document as project/ Reference


Major activity in GTD is categorized in --

1. Action





2. Waiting For

3. Differed

4. Filing reference


Most optimum option seem to me is to create Macros for outlook. I will start with the Office Macro. Below is the code for it.


What it does -

1. You can create a button on outlook so that you can select a message and create a task from it by clicking the button. This will create task with text from the email and also attach email to it.

2. While sending the email to any user you can add a text as “/Office”. Later you can create an outlook rule to invoke this macro after sending email. This Macro will scan the content of email for the tags and then create a task from it with all the details as point # 1.

Tip : You can create multiple signatures with one tag in each so that while send the email you can choose one of the signature as per the requirement. Make the text with font 1 and color as white so that only Macro can read it and recipients will not come to know about it.

   2:  Option Compare Text
   5:  Sub MakeOfficeTaskWithAttachmentFromCurrentMessage(MyMail As Outlook.MailItem)
   6:      Dim strID As String
   7:      Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
   8:      Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
   9:      Dim objTask As Outlook.TaskItem
  10:      Dim categories As String
  11:      Dim addRecipient As Boolean
  12:      Dim regex
  13:      Dim matches, customSubject, subject
  16:      categories = "@Office"
  17:      addRecipient = True
  19:      strID = MyMail.EntryID
  20:      Set olNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
  21:      Set olMail = olNS.GetItemFromID(strID)
  22:      Set objTask = Application.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
  23:      objTask.Attachments.Add MyMail
  24:      Set regex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
  25:      regex.Pattern = "/Office (.*)"
  26:      regex.IgnoreCase = True
  27:      regex.Global = True
  28:      Set matches = regex.Execute(olMail.Body)
  29:      If matches.Count <> 0 Then
  30:          customSubject = matches(0).submatches(0)
  31:      Else
  32:          customSubject = ""
  33:      End If
  34:      If customSubject <> "" Then
  35:          subject = customSubject
  36:      Else
  37:          subject = olMail.subject
  38:      End If
  40:      With objTask
  41:          If addRecipient Then
  42:              .subject = olMail.Recipients.Item(1) & ": " & subject
  43:          Else
  44:              .subject = subject
  45:          End If
  46:          .categories = categories
  47:          .Body = olMail.Body
  48:      End With
  49:      objTask.Save
  51:      Set objTask = Nothing
  52:      Set olMail = Nothing
  53:      Set olNS = Nothing
  54:  End Sub
  57:  Sub MakeOfficeTaskWithAttachmentFromCurrentMessageMacro()
  58:      Dim curMail As Outlook.MailItem
  59:      Set curMail = GetCurrentItem()
  60:      Call MakeOfficeTaskWithAttachmentFromCurrentMessage(curMail)
  61:  End Sub
  65:  Function GetCurrentItem() As Object
  66:      Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
  68:      Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
  69:      On Error Resume Next
  70:      Select Case TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow)
  71:          Case "Explorer"
  72:              Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
  73:          Case "Inspector"
  74:              Set GetCurrentItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
  75:          Case Else
  77:      End Select
  79:      Set objApp = Nothing
  80:  End Function

Copy code from above and paste it on notepad. Then save the file in .bas format. Make sure to create a category “@Office” in outlook before proceeding further, else you category will not have any color.

Now go to outlook and press Alt+F11. It will open the Visual Basic editor. Now right click on left pane and click on import.



Now browse the the above file and select and then click ok. Once the file is imported, go to tools  --> Macro. Then select the Macro you have created and then click on run. This will run the Macro first time.


How to add button for the added Macro


Right click on top of the outlook and click on Customize




Under categories select Macros and from right hand side select the Macro you have created. Now you have to drag and drop this Macro from the window below shown to the top of the Outlook. At the same time you can rename the Macro.




This will complete the task of creation of Macro for 1 action. You can follow above steps to create Macro and their respective button. You just need to change value from the above given script at line number 5, 16, 25, 57 and 60

After adding all buttons your outlook will look like this--




The post will continue…..

Saturday, September 22, 2012

मेरी अविस्मरणीय यात्रा




My ISP really sucks !

[Update] Attaching real files. Add your login id and password in login.vbs. Download

I have been using this service ( for part 2 years and for last few months I was shocked to see that in the name of security my ISP has scheduled internet connection reset twice – thrice a day. To start the service again I need to login to the ISP web portal. For your information my plan so called “unlimited plan”.
In simple words if you download a lot, specially through torrents, your downloading will tend to go on entire night  or may be days – UNMONITORED. Since this resetting business started, my internet connection resets somewhere between 11:00 PM to 3:30 AM and there is no way I can keep monitoring the connection so that I can login as soon as it disconnects to ensure my downloading.
I had to do something about it. Programmer inside me woke up again. I pulled up my sleeves – got a cup of coffee, and went back to see for solution.
Quite easily an algorithm was designed-
1.  Loop
2. Keep monitoring the internet connection
3. If internet connection is working go to step 1 else step 3
3. as soon as internet connection breaks open internet explorer. Enter username and password.
4. Go to step 1
So first I need to write a script for the step 3. I used VB Script. Below is the code. What it does is open internet explorer then navigate to the ISP web portal and then try to figure out the element ID where I need to enter the username and password. Just save the script as (lets say) “login.vbs”
   1: DIM IE

   2: DIM ipf


   4: Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.Application")

   5: IE.navigate ""

   6: IE.Visible = True


   8: While IE.Busy

   9:      WScript.Sleep 50

  10: Wend


  12: Set ipf1 = IE.document.getElementByID("username")

  13:  ipf1.Value = "my username" 'fill in the text box

  14: Set ipf2 = IE.document.getElementByID("password")

  15:  ipf2.Value = "My password" '
fill in the text box
  16: Set ipf3 = IE.document.all.Submit

  17:  ipf3.Click    'click the submit button

  18: '

If you run this VB script while you are already logged in then you will get an error that element id not found.


Why ?

             Because you ISP portal will redirect the script to the welcome page where the element id is not present.

Hence if I schedule this script to run over and over then I will get the error message. To solve this I need to write a separate batch file which contains logic steps 1,2, &3 of algorithm.

Below is the batch file.

   1: :begin

   2: @ECHO OFF

   3: setlocal


   5: SET UNKN="Unknown host"

   6: SET FAIL="Lost = 4"

   7: SET RECD="Received = 4"


   9: FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%I IN ('DATE /T') DO SET date1=%%J/%%K/%%L

  10: FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=: " %%I IN ('TIME /T') DO SET time1=%%I:%%J


  12: ping | FIND /I %UNKN% >NUL

  13: IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO [%date1% %time%]  unknown >>.\pingstat.log & GOTO :END


  15: ping | FIND /I %FAIL% >NUL

  16: IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO [%date1% %time%]  failure >>.\pingstat.log & cscript .\login.vbs & GOTO :END


  18: ping | FIND /I %RECD% >NUL

  19: IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO [%date1% %time%]  success >>pingstat.log & GOTO :END


  21: endlocal

  22: :END

Lets save this file as login.bat

What it does is – It pings If it pings then end of file and if not then call the login.vbs file (saved in same folder). It also save a entry with “Success” or “Failure” in a text file with the name “Pingstat.txt” (I used it for testing)

Now all my steps are completed from the algorithm I devised. Only thing left is scheduling this script. All I need to do is schedule the batch file thorough windows task scheduler.

And YAY ! I am done.

Now my downloading goes uninterrupted and unmonitored.